6 Mart 2017 Pazartesi

Arch 102/ Spring 2017/ Exercise I (Part III)

                                                      PERFORMING TOPOGRAPHIES
                                                                         PART III

                      *Those are first performing topography models that I designed for first critics.

* upgraded and submıtted version of topographıa model;

Arch 102/ Spring 2017/ Exercise l (part ll)



Above are very first versions of the model that l made to abstract the coreography.

I tried to revise the abstractıon model according to critics. I used a single shape to symbolize the dancer dor second time, which was in order to make abstraction model more readible.

* this is the upgraded and finally submıtted version of model of dance movement.

Arch 102/ Spring 2017/ Exercise l



Finally, we started to a new semester and it is our first assignment to design a topography performing as a dancer. While starting we were expected to determine to the choreography to be performed in an area (8 m* 8 m * 5 m). Also considering the relationship between dance and the physical enviroment, it was expected to make the choreography capable to use physical opportunities in topography. 

I designed this enviroment with some geometrical shapes. And I tried to make the dancer affected by physical exsistances of shapes in everytime. for instance time to time even if de dont contact with the prizm directly he still became affected by it and change his direction.

* And this is the upgraded and finally submıtted version of presentation model of dance